Puro Cuero Tannery
We are a Canadian company that imports and sells chrome-tanned, processed, and finished cowhide leather created by one of the finest tanneries in Colombia, Puro Cuero. They use only European hides for their modern furniture production, and now these quality cowhides are available for the North American market. 

Our quality hides are grade A, as they carry no brand marks, bug bites, or any other major visible defects.  We can guarantee that you will be acquiring from us only the very best cowhides since we handpick the best hides to be able to guarantee our client's satisfaction.  

We are always looking for ways to add value to our clients and partners in the upholstery, marine, automotive, and other industries where quality leather is mostly appreciated. Our unique approach to supply chain management makes us efficient in managing costs and times in an efficient way, which enables us to add value to our clients by offering great quality at unmatched prices!  

Feel free to Contact Us, we'll be happy to talk to you and help with your business needs.